
El "blog" de Darth Vader

El señor de los Sith ya tiene su propio weblog. En él se pueden auténticas joyas, como lo que ocurrió tras la muerte del almirante Ozzol (aquel que decidió salir del hiperespacio demasiado cerca de Hoth, poniendo sobre aviso a los rebeldes).
Este pequeño error le costó al almirante un "estrujón" de traquea por parte del Señor Oscuro, que tuvo el detalle de enviarles la siguiente carta a su familia:
Dear House of Ozzel,

I regret to inform you that your son has been killed in the line of duty.

He was an incompetent, yammering boob and he will be missed by none. I have allowed the men to pillage his personal belongings, which is why we have enclosed nothing but the sole remaining item: a torn advertisements page from a magazine of midget pornography. May it shock and disturb you, and may you think of it always when you remember your dearly departed son, the ninny.

Know also that his limitations as a sub-par military professional caused the deaths of many of the Emperor's loyal soldiers, whose funeral expenses will appear on your next tax assessment.


D. Vader

Este Anakin es un "jachondo"...

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